Phoebe Health

Reviving a


Phoebe was an aging brand, suffering from sagging customer perception ratings, and their fragmented marketing was no match for a stream of negative press coverage.


To revitalize and rebuild the brand, we focused on two of its strengths — its unrivaled expertise and community significance — reminding people that Phoebe is a pillar of Southwest Georgia, having actively invested in cutting-edge teams and technologies for years.


– Primary Research
– Secondary Research
– Audience Research
– Competitive Reviews
– Brand Strategy
– Creative Strategy
– Campaign Strategy
– Campaign Concepting
– Creative Execution
– Video
– TV
– Display
– Print
– On-campus
– Website Design and Development

Phoebe Health

Reviving a century-old healthcare brand.


Phoebe was an aging brand, suffering from sagging customer perception ratings, and their fragmented marketing was no match for a stream of negative press coverage.


To revitalize and rebuild the brand, we focused on two of its strengths — its unrivaled expertise and community significance — reminding people that Phoebe is a pillar of Southwest Georgia, having actively invested in cutting-edge teams and technologies for years.


– Primary Research
– Secondary Research
– Audience Research
– Competitive Reviews
– Brand Strategy
– Creative Strategy
– Campaign Strategy
– Campaign Concepting
– Creative Execution
– Video
– TV
– Display
– Print
– On-campus
– Website Design and Development

We breathed new life into the brand

We began with a complete brand redesign — retiring their outdated, “cozy, country” visual identity and launching a sleek, simple, and modern version.

And we gave them a Better Way to show off the changes

We concentrated the launch campaign on a simple, powerful idea: that Phoebe could deliver a Better Way to a healthier, happier community. The campaign included bold, yet warm designs and relatable, lifestyle photography — often profiling real patient and doctor stories from across the region.

And we gave them a Better Way to show off the changes

We concentrated the launch campaign on a simple, powerful idea: that Phoebe could deliver a Better Way to a healthier, happier community. The campaign included bold, yet warm designs and relatable, lifestyle photography — often profiling real patient and doctor stories from across the region.

The campaign drove a double-digit upswing in consumer preference, and led to patient volume spikes across multiple service lines.

We Made the brand impossible to ignore.

We covered every touchpoint, from TV spots to outdoor to digital ads to signage to a total website redesign, ensuring the community saw, and felt, an improved, new Phoebe.

Phoebe reclaimed their position as the
#1 patient health brand in the region.

The campaign drove a double-digit upswing in consumer preference, and led to patient volume spikes across multiple service lines.

An armful of awards for the campaign and website design

Now Phoebe is thriving

As an integral part of Southwest Georgia, Phoebe continues to focus on critical issues facing their community by bringing innovative and creative solutions to the country’s massive nursing shortage and expanding access to care for all.

“It’s like you guys can create everything we ever need. 
Is there anything your team can’t do?”

– Jessica Castle
Vice President of Marketing, PR & Business Development
 Phoebe Health